Return to COVID-19 Alert Level Two
In line with the September 6th announcement that Hawke’s Bay will be returning to COVID-19 Alert Level Two, Kennedy Road Physiotherapy will reopening Wednesday 8th September.
We know that many had appointments with us when we went into lockdown. If this is you, or if you need help with a new niggle from the last few weeks, please call the clinic on 06 835 3941 rather than emailing – we’re going to be busy and we don’t want to miss your request.
In line with advice from the Ministry of Health, please note that we require you to wear a mask when attending the clinic, for your safety and for ours.
If you are feeling unwell, or are experiencing and COVID-19 symptoms, please call us to reschedule your appointment, and seek a test at one of the local testing sites.
Garry and the team are looking forward to returning to the clinic!